Visit of His Excellency Prof. Dr. Alaa Naji Al-Mawla, President of the University of Kufa

Visit of His Excellency Prof. Alaa Naji Al-Mawla, President of the University of Kufa, to the Faculty of Law, Mansoura University.. Where Mr. Prof. Walid Muhammad Al-Shennawi, Dean of the Faculty & Mr. Prof. Ibrahim Abdullah Abdul Raouf, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Postgraduate Studies and Research, received His Excellency the President of the University of Kufa and discussed ways of cooperation between the Faculty of Law, Mansoura University and the Faculty of Law, Kufa University in many academic and research fields and enhancing cooperation, especially in the undergraduate and postgraduate stages.. The President of the University promised to increase the number of Iraqi students at Mansoura University, especially since the Faculty of Law, University of Kufa includes about three thousand students at various stages of study in the faculty, which provides great opportunities to strengthen scientific ties between the two faculties.


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