Proceedings of student's Conscription

  1. Once the student is 19 years old whether he is a new Comer or enrolled in the faculty in previous years , he has to move forward quickly with the military Card (6 Conscription). It is noted that the student gets this Card from the police station to which he belongs for completing the proceedings of postponing his Conscription to the age of 28 or he provides the Certificate of the final or temporary exemption from the military service.
  2. The student regularly studying is entitled to postpone to the age of 28 and to Continue studying until this age or obtaining this qualification either of them is earlier.
  3. In Case the student has done the military service or is temporarily or finally exempted, he has to move forward with the Certificate evidencing so (original) and the Copy isn't accepted.
  4. In Case the clause No 3 isn't met , he has to provide himself to the Conscription Zone to which he belongs to be Conscripted then he provides a document evidencing Conscription from his military unit and this document is approved by the military records with the consent of the training authority (missions branch ) to the entry into the exam in Case he wishes to enter the exam ( each Case is studied per se by the students' affairs department to know whether the said student is entitled to the postponement or not ).
  5. The student who reaches the age of 28 during his study, is notified of to his Conscription Zone and his enrollment is immediately suspended until determining his Position as to Conscription either through providing a find or temporary exemption Certificate (original) or providing himself to his Conscription Zone to be Conscripted then notifying the faculty by the military Unit in which he serves through a document approved by the military records.
  6. As for the temporarily exempted student, the Certificate must be renewed when its validity expires. In case of the end of the reason of the temporary exemption, his enrollment is suspended and he is notified of to the Competent Conscription Zone.
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