Responsibilities of the Vice Dean

Functions of the Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development:

  • Studying and proposing the general policy, plans and programs that ensure the achievement of the university’s role in community service and environmental development.
  • Studying the problems of productive activity, the role of services and work sites in the environment, and the role of applied scientific research in solving them.
  • Studying and proposing a general policy for preparing and implementing training programs for community members to use modern scientific and technical methods, educating them and raising their productive efficiency in various fields.
  • Studying and proposing the general policy for the establishment of the management of units of a special nature that provide services to non-students, with the exception of university hospitals.
  • Studying and proposing the general policy for organizing conferences, scientific symposia and public lectures aimed at community service and environmental development.
  • Issues referred by the University Council for study and opinion

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