PhD degree in law

  1. The University Council, based on the approval of the College Council, grants a doctorate in law, based on the student’s submission of a letter that is accepted by the Judgment and Discussion Committee after publicly discussing it.
  2. Conditions for registering for a PhD in Law

For a student to register a Doctor of Law degree, the following is required:

  1. To have a master’s degree in law or its equivalent from an Egyptian university or an equivalent degree from another recognized scientific institute, or two postgraduate diplomas, one of which is in public or private law.
  2. The major in which he is applying for enrollment must be the same as the one in which he obtained a master’s degree, or closely related to one of the courses he studied in his postgraduate diplomas.
  3. Passing a foreign language
  4. The student must submit a certificate of passing in English, French, or other languages, before registering for a doctoral degree, in accordance with the criteria and controls decided by the College Council, provided that it is a condition for granting only for international students.

Students who hold a diploma in a field other than the specialization

The College Council may, upon the proposal of the Department Council, accept the registration of a student who has obtained a diploma in a field other than the major under the following conditions:

  1. If he successfully passed a number of supplementary courses, the number of teaching hours of which is not less than (12) credit hours at the postgraduate level, which the department deems necessary for his study, with a maximum of eight courses.
  2. His cumulative average in the aforementioned courses should not be less than (C).

PhD Scholarship

1- The award of the degree shall be according to the following estimates:

  • Doctor of Laws.
  • Doctor of Laws with a good grade.
  • Doctor of Laws with a very good grade.
  • Doctor of Laws with excellent grades.

2- The Committee for Discussion and Judgment may award honors to those who obtain an excellent grade, and it may also decide to exchange the thesis with other universities if it is worthy of that.

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