IT unit

The E-Learning Unit was established at the Faculty of Law, Mansoura University, to support faculty members and students in the faculty and support them in adapting communication and information technologies to improve the level of educational service provided by the faculty to students and the Egyptian community as a whole. educational activities.

The e-learning unit is one of the units of the University Performance Development Center. The unit supports e-learning, training and teaching activities using modern technologies through the global information network, where e-courses are offered through a model program for managing content and learning processes.

Based on the approval of the University Council in its session No. 561 on January 22, 2020 to restructure the centers and units related to digital transformation and in order to activate that, the e-learning sub-unit of the college was restructured to become a sub-unit of information technology, provided that the unit is administratively subordinate to the college and technically to the Communications Technology Center and information. 

Unit activities

  • The unit is in constant and continuous coordination with the Communications and Information Technology Center in order to provide technical and technical support for the Internet, follow it up, supervise its maintenance and make the necessary updates according to any variables.
  • Continuously creating and updating the college website
  • Moodle Student Support
  • Supporting Ibn Al-Haytham System for Student Affairs
  • Technical support for faculty members and their assistants
  • Supporting educational studios with stands
  • Responding to students' complaints and inquiries

To contact and inquire

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 Mansoura - 60 El Gomhoria Street - Mansoura University Faculty of Law - 35516

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