University Performance Development

he University Performance Development Unit at the Faculty of Law aims to coordinate work with the University Performance Development Center at Mansoura University to develop the faculty’s performance in a comprehensive sense, including training activities, technical and administrative services and consultations, research activities, and analytical and field studies, and developing the performance of faculty members, faculty members, and students.

Activities of the University Performance Development Unit at the Faculty of Law

  • Coordination of performance development work with the university's performance development center.
  • Coordinating the participation of faculty members and their assistants in the capacity development courses of faculty members and leaders FLDP
  • Coordinating the participation of students in the cultural development program.
  • Announcing the training courses offered by the University Performance Development Center.
  • Inventory of the views of the academic departments of the college regarding the development of the matrix of training programs for the new phase of the faculty development program.
  • Addressing the University Performance Development Center about the matrix of actual training needs for faculty members, their assistants, and faculty staff.
  • Develop the specifications of the examination paper based on the intended learning outcomes of the course according to the course description based on NARS. 

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 Mansoura - 60 El Gomhoria Street - Mansoura University Faculty of Law - 35516

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