Student Union

The Ministry of Higher Education Set the regulations of the student Unions at the Level of the Republic this regulation had been applied until Mansura University's Council issued the new student Union regulations of 1994. This regulations which deprived the students of directed affiliation of nomination in the elections, continued to be applied. In addition The Supreme Council of The Universities has issued the new regulations in 2009 which has allowed the students of directed affiliation to be nominated in the elections as well as the students of the open education and postgraduate Studies to Practice the students' activities.

The student Union is considered to be the Legal representative of the Faculty's students whether regular or affiliation and it expresses their suggestions and Contributes to Solving the Problems Facing the Students. Furthermore, there are many chapters in the regulations which include exclusively:

  • The elections of student Unions
  • Working method of the Unions
  • Budgeting
  • Students' activities which are divided into:
    • The student Families Committee
    • Sports Committee
    • Social Activity and trips Committee
    • Scouts and Public Service Committee
    • Artistic committee
    • Cultural Committee
    • Scientific Committee

Each Committee after Conducting the elections at the beginning of the academic year according to the dates determined by Prof. Dr\ The President of the University, is represented by two students one of them is the secretary and the Second is the associate Secretary The total of students is 14 students then elections are Conducted among them for electing the Secretary of the Union and the associate Secretary. Them Mr.\ Prof\Dr\ Dean of The Faculty issues a decision for appointing the Consultant of the above mentioned Committees From among the staff members.


  •  The revenues of the Union Consist of its share of the fees of the union and the aids granted by the university or the state.


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