Literature And Arts Club

Believing by the Faculty of Law-Mansoura University in the importance and the necessity of encouraging innovation and Creativity as well as developing the artistic talents of the students and Contributing to the formation of a balanced personality of the student scientifically , Literarily and Psychologically , the Faculty Created a Literature club and arts club for Collecting the talented students of all the years in one Place to specify their aims and programs in Cooperation with the students' are department at the Faculty and under the Supervision of the staff members.

Aims of Establishing a Literature and Arts Club

  • Developing the artistic and literary talents of the students and raising the artistic and literary taste Level.
  • Spreading the Literary works through Pamphlets and periodic indexes.
  • Spreading the artistic Works through making exhibits at the Level Of the faculty and University
  • Organizing the artistic and Literary Competitions at the Level of the Faculty and University.
  • Organizing and establishing the Literary Festivals and Parties at the Level of the Faculty and University
  • Assisting in Creating environmental Cultural and artistic atmosphere as well as supporting it at the Level of the faculty, University and the Surrounding environment through evaluating the Language and improving the Level of Creative expression of the students and what's in their minds and the events in the society.


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 Mansoura - 60 El Gomhoria Street - Mansoura University Faculty of Law - 35516

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