Speech of Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research

Egypt takes knowledge, innovation and scientific research as basic pillars of development, by investing in people, building their creative capabilities, stimulating innovation, and linking education and scientific research to sustainable development.
From this point of view, scientific research undoubtedly represents the locomotive of economic and social development, which will lead society towards progress and achieve the requirements of a knowledge and technology economy   dribrahim. Since education and scientific research represent national issues of a high degree of importance, the state has placed knowledge, innovation and scientific research as basic pillars within the vision of Egypt. 2030, to reflect the great interest in scientific research and what it represents of great value and supportive of growth and sustainable development in our dear Egypt.
Hence, the graduate studies sector will seek to upgrade the scientific research system at the college in line with the vision of the university and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Egypt’s vision in achieving sustainable development goals, which is reflected in improving the quality and quality of life in Egypt through the following:

  • Creating distinguished educational programs that keep pace with modern global developments, and in a way that contributes to the creation of youth cadres that possess the latest modern scientific research methods.
  • Seeking to include the Journal of the Faculty of Law, Mansoura University, on international databases.
  • Adopt an ambitious program to promote international scientific publishing and create stimulating mechanisms for that.
  • Establishing interface programs that link the law to various disciplines, and in a way that helps in linking scientific research to serve production and development issues.
  • Paying attention to the cultural relations sector and providing international scholarships for young researchers from faculty and assistant staff members.
  • Working on developing the college library and linking it to the latest international research databases, and striving to provide its digital services around the clock.
  • Developing the postgraduate sector and the services provided to customers (students - researchers - graduates) in addition to adopting the philosophy of digital transformation in all services of the sector.

And because investing in people is the best type of investment at all, the college’s graduate studies sector is fully prepared to receive all the proposals submitted by our researchers in the various stages of postgraduate studies (diplomas - masters - doctorate), as well as all external community institutions to provide the best services that Befitting a modern and modern society, based on the foundations of knowledge, innovation and technology And what is reflected in the end on our Egyptian society.

                                                 We ask God for help and success and to protect our beloved Egypt from all harm.


Prof. Ibrahim Abdullah Abdul-Raouf    

Vice Dean for Graduate Studies, Research and Cultural Relations

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