Workshop entitled "Security, Safety and Confronting Fire Hazards"(2)

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sherif Khater, President of Mansoura University, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and the supervision of Prof. Dr. Walid Mohamed El-Shenawy, Dean of the Faculty of Law, and the follow-up and implementation of Prof. Dr. Alaa El-Tamimi, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and within the framework of the Faculty administration's keenness to achieve occupational safety and health requirements for all faculty members and maintain the safety of individuals and facilities, all security and safety elements were completed and fire extinguishers and alarm devices were installed. A workshop was also held under the title "Security, Safety and Confronting Fire Hazards" in coordination with the Civil Protection Department in Dakahlia, which aims to activate the implementation of occupational safety and health procedures, in the presence of Major General / Emad El-Mahdi, Director of College Security, Mr. Security Supervisor and Head of the Occupational Safety and Health Unit. It is worth noting that the workshop focused on spreading awareness of the types of fires, methods of combating them, and the method of using fire extinguishers for the civil defense procedures followed in this regard.


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