The eighth conference for postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Law, Mansoura University

Under the patronage of Prof. Cherif Youssef Khater, President of Mansoura University, and the leadership of Prof. Tarek Mustafa Ghouloush, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, and the supervision of Prof.Walid El-Shennawy, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Chairman of the Conference, and Prof.  Ibrahim Abdullah Abdel Raouf, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Graduate Studies and Research and Vice Chairman of the Conference, the Eighth Annual Graduate Studies Conference was held today, Sunday, December 15, 2024, under the title "Legal and Economic Dimensions of the Uses of Modern Technology." In recognition of the importance of the interconnected dimensions of digital development, to establish more efficient and effective justice, and to promote flexible economies capable of adapting to contemporary challenges


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