Law Faculty organize a conference against violence

The Faculty of Law, Mansoura University organized its sixth annual scientific conference entitled (Legal and Economic Dimensions of the Violence Phenomenon in Egyptian Society). Prof. Walid  Al-Shennawy, Dean of the College and Vice-President of the Conference, Prof. Ibrahim Abdullah Abdel-Raouf, Vice Dean of the College for Postgraduate Studies and Research and Rapporteur of the Conference, Dr. Al-Mu’tasim Billah Mustafa, teacher of political economy and economic legislation. In order to assist the state in its efforts to address this phenomenon
The conference comes in the presence of a group of scholars and legal scholars, including Prof. Reda Abdel Salam, former governor of Sharkia, Prof. Nabil Helmy, professor of public international law, former dean of the Faculty of Law, Zagazig University, member of the Legislative Reform Committee, and Prof. Ahmed Shwqi Abu Khatwa, professor of criminal law and former dean of the Faculty of Law, Mansoura University. And Prof. Tamer Mohamed Salih, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs. The conference hosted both Prof. Mohamed Abdel Latif, Dean of the College of Tourism and Hotels, and Prof. Tariq Ghallush, Dean of the College of Commerce. Jihan Abdel Hafez represented the National Council for Women. A group of faculty members and their assistants at the college, deans and vice deans, also attended And professors and researchers from the faculties of law at Mansoura University and Egyptian universities. Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hafez, Undersecretary for Postgraduate Studies and Research, stressed the importance of having a postgraduate conference and the importance of scientific research that it has become the address of developed countries and that Mansoura University is a pioneer in progress in international rankings, and raised a question: Is violence a new phenomenon in Egyptian society? He also expressed his happiness for choosing the topic of the conference because of its societal resonance and importance. Dr. Al-Shennawy Ali stressed that the Faculty of Law, Mansoura University, is one of the colleges that occupies a prominent and distinguished position at the local and regional levels. It has taken upon itself more than twenty years ago to take the lead in addressing Societal economic and legal problems through holding an annual scientific conference for postgraduate studies that deals with economic and legal problems of interest to the Egyptian society.

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