Law Faculty organizes a specialized course in the English language

Within the framework of the college's keenness to strengthen and develop the legal and linguistic abilities of its students, the Knowledge and Information Services Center at the Faculty of Law, Mansoura University organized specialized courses in the English language. Under the auspices of Prof.Walid Mohamed El Shennawy, Dean of the College and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Knowledge Services Center, and the leadership of Prof.Tamer Mohamed Saleh  Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs. Under the supervision of Prof. Akmal Al-Saeed Youssef, Professor of Criminal Law and Director of the Center, today, Tuesday, November 22, 2022, the first day of the session, which is scheduled to take place over a month from today, began.

A group of faculty members at the college is lecturing on it. Today, Dr. Hani Abdel-Razzaq, a lecturer specializing in English, started the course. The course comes within the framework of the annual plan that is developed before the start of the academic year in order to be implemented throughout the academic year to develop and modernize the educational process to achieve the greatest scientific benefit for all our students from different educational levels, in order to ensure that a generation of college students graduate with all the legal and linguistic capabilities that qualify them. To meet all the challenges of the modern era.


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