How To Make A Social Research?

  • The student draws a social research form from the students' Care department at the faculty.
  • The form is filled in by the student then it is approved by the students' affairs department then by the social affairs Unit to which the student belongs.
  • (A Copy of the student's sponsor – items of the parent salary in Case the parent is an employee – statement of the agricultural possess on in Case the parent Lives in the Country side " a statement of the parent's pension in Case the Parent is a pensioner or a decedent ) must be attached to the research.
  • The relevant documents are attached such as ( treatment – textbooks – Surgical operations – reparative devices – Payment of the fees of the University City – making of medical glasses…).
  • The research is delivered to the Competent employee in the students' Care department.
  • All the researches are Submitted to the Committees Composed for each of the four years parse.
  • Announcing the List of the students' names in order for the students to follow up their situation.
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