Important Terms for Credit Hours

  • Regulations : The internal regulations of the college program.
  • Academic Coordinator : A faculty member who academically supervises the program.
  • Director : The managing director of the programme.
  • Credit Hour : A unit of measurement to determine the weight of each course in one semester, equivalent to one theoretical academic hour throughout the semester, and two hours of practical training per week.
  • Academic advisor : A faculty member appointed by the dean of the college, based on the proposal of the vice dean.
  • Academic Advising : The work carried out by the academic advisor to follow up on the student, provide advice and guidance in selecting elective courses, and passing practical training.
  • Year : With regard to granting a Bachelor’s degree in Law/Arabic Language Program (regularity – directed enrollment – ​​regular affiliation), the year means the academic year that begins on the date specified by the competent authority.
  • Withdrawn (W) : an estimate of the course from which the student has withdrawn, and it is not included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average.
  • Incomplete (I) : A temporary grade for the course in which the student was unable, with an acceptable excuse, to take the final exam.
  • Mandatory Withdrawal FW : An assessment of the course in which the student obtained an incomplete grade (I) and did not take the final exam in it, as well as the course in which the student did not take the exam if the attendance rate was less than 70% of the number of course lectures in the semester without an acceptable excuse.
  • General GPA : The average score a student gets during the semesters (approximate to only two decimal places).

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