Quality Assurance Committees

Committees Derived from Quality Assurance Unit

First Committee: Internal review and annual report and is competent to do what follows:

  • Academic and institutional evaluation of all scientific departments and units belonging to the faculty.
  • Communication with all scientific and administrative departments in a way that achieves that required quality levels.
  • Evaluation of the role of the faculty in reviewing, maintaining and promoting the standards.
  • Addressing the extent of efficiency of arrangements as for the internal review and the annual reports.
  • Evaluation of the success rate by the faculty as for the development of quality systems in it.
  • Review of the quality of self evaluation and internal reports such as the reports of programs and courses as well as the commitment by the faculty to quality reports.
  • Studying the extent of welcoming by the faculty of the different opinions and interests of stakeholders.
  • Studying the plan of the faculty as for imporving the previous quality.
  • Preparing documents connected with self study in cooperation with statistics unit at the faculty.
  • Analysing the data that has been listed and preparing the data base in cooperation with the statistics unit at the faculty.

Second committee: Academic standards and educational programs and is competent to do what follows

  • Follow up and review of the specification of all educational programs at the faculty.
  • Follow up and review of the specification of all educational courses.
  • Checking the update and development of educational programs and courses to match with the requirements of accreditation.
  • Follow up of methods of exams and making sure that they match with the requirements of quality assurance systems.
  • Follow up of the reports of programs involving the number of students registered in the grogram- indicators of being admitted to the program- number of graduates in the current academic year – percentage in relation to courses …..
  • Follow up and review of the reports of educational courses after filling them with the professors of the subjects – finishing the acts of exams, the appearance and accreditation of the results of the exams.

Third committee : Scientific research and postgraduate studies and is competent to do what follows:

  • Preparing the scientific research plan of the faculty and the scientific department.
  • Studying and preparing the plan of making available the abilities and devices of scientific research.
  • Studying and preparing the plan of distributing the budget of scientific research.
  • Studying the difficulties that face the scientific research and proposing solutions for them.
  • Encouraging the scientific publication as for staff members in relation to the domestic and international journals.
  • Preparing the plan of attending the scientific conferences, symposiums and seminars as well as workshops.
  • Studying and preparing the plan of research cooperation as for staff members inside and outside the faculty.
  • Studying and preparing the plan of research projects at the faculty.
  • Encouraging, Staff members to conduct and publish the applied researches and patents.
  • Studying and preparing the plan of missions and scientific tasks.
  • Review of programs of postgraduate studies and the procedures of supervision and registration.

 Fourth committee: Societal Participation and is competent to do what follows:

  • Preparing and following up a comprehensive database in relation to graduates to be able to communicate with them and to know what is new on the labour market
  • Laying down a mechanism of interaction with the opinions of businessmen in relation to updating and developing the scientific programs and the quality of the graduate to be ware of the needs of the community.
  • Evaluating the effect the dealing by the faculty with clients and different stakeholders and taking their opinions into consideration.
  • Preparing and following up the plans of improving the societal participation.

Fifth Committee: Automation of Quality and Communications systems and is competent to do what follows:

  • Following up the entry of quality data (Specification – Reports – CVs …..) on the internet.
  • Assisting in preparing the self study at the faculty.
  • Following up and updating the webpages of the faculty and the department.
  • Constructing and updating the website of Quality Assurance Unit in a continuous way.
  • Designing and constructing the information and statistics systems as well as the contribution to the application of Electronic Management system (MIS).
  • Designing and selecting the databases that achieve the objectives of quality.
  • Analysing the information with the appropriate scientific methods in relation to each case.

Sixth Committee: Raising Awareness, Announcing and training department and is competent to do what following:

  • Spreading knowledge and awareness and training programs connected with the institutional and academic quality assurance.
  • Preparing training programs for the different categories at the faculty.
  • Evaluating the efficiency of the training programs.Keeping files and documents.
  • Publishing and announcing according to the substantive plans and in a way that achieves the objectives of quality.
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