Jurisdictions and functions of quality assurance unit

Quality assurance unit represents the mechanism through which the unternal evalution and review are alone for the purpose assuring the quality of the educational, research and service activities of the faculty as well as the elements affecting them and imoroving the level of performing them. This Involves the determination of points of defectiveness and obstacles in addition to recognizing the good practices and laying down proposals for continuous improvement for the purpose of having the accreditation.

The Unit aims at achieving the final goals and strategic objectives of the faculty through complying with what follows:

  • Laying down the strategic plan of the faculty.
  • Laying down a system of evaluating and analyzing performance.
  • Setting up teamworks for the self evaluation and the continuous improvement.
  • Raising awareness and training in the field of quality assurance and qualification for accreditation.
  • Providing the technical support for departments in relation to spreading the quality through.
  • Coordination among all scientific and administrative departments.
  • Accountability.
  • Applying for accreditation.
  • Laying down a system ensuring the continuity of the work of the unit.


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