Strategic Goals

  • The Faculty of Law - Mansoura University aims to achieve a set of goals, including the following:

    • Providing students with the assets of knowledge in legal, economic and political sciences.
    • Qualifying students for legal skills.
    • Developing students' abilities in analytical and original thinking and creative imagination.
    • Preparing two legally qualified lawyers to carry out legal tasks and activities so that they are able to contribute to the various sectors required by development plans in our dear Egypt.
    • Preparing cadres in various legal fields and opening the way for them to obtain a master's degree and a doctorate.
    • Conducting and publishing scientific research to enrich knowledge in the field of legal studies.
    • Providing legal advice in cooperation with government agencies and institutions, companies and NGOs, whether in Dakahlia Governorate or abroad
    • Organizing seminars, conferences, workshops and dialogue sessions to increase scientific contact between academics and professionals.
    • Raising the scientific level of graduates by organizing organizational courses

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 Mansoura - 60 El Gomhoria Street - Mansoura University Faculty of Law - 35516

2259391 050

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