Teaching Staff Services
First: Assigning teaching assistants
Required Documents :
- Temporary license certificate.
- A statement of grades for the years of study.
- The original birth certificate.
- position on recruitment.
- Criminal status sheet (chips and analogy)
- A copy of the identity card.
- Six (6) photographs (personal).
- Financial statement file.
Second: promotions for assistant teachers
Submit an application for promotion and attach the following documents:
- Master's degree or equivalent.
- A statement of passing 6 faculty development programs
Third: teacher promotions
Submit an application for promotion and attach the following documents:
- Ph.D.
- A statement of passing 6 faculty development programs.
- An affidavit of depositing a copy of the doctoral thesis in the central library of the university.
Fourth: Promotions for Assistant Professors
Submit an application for promotion and attach the following documents:
- Statement of scientific production.
- A statement of passing 6 faculty development programs.
- An affidavit of depositing a copy of the research in the central library of the university.
- He bears the costs of courier and administrative services for the progress of the upgrade.
Fifth: promotions for professors
Submit an application for promotion and attach the following documents:
- Statement of scientific production.
- A statement of passing 6 faculty development programs.
- An affidavit of depositing a copy of the research in the central library of the university.
- He bears the costs of courier and administrative services for the progress of the upgrade.
Sixth: holidays
- Applying for all types of vacations.
- Submit all documents for granting the license according to its type.
- He pays the contributions due for special vacations.
- He clears his party of his work belongings in the college.
Seventh: Secondments
- Apply for a loan.
- Submit all documents to grant loan.
- Pay the subscription fee in foreign currency.
- To release a party of his work belongings to the college.